Migrating KryoFlux image files in preparation for ingest

Migrating KryoFlux image files in preparation for ingest

Before you begin:

  • This workflow uses tools stored as part of the BitCurator suite. If necessary, restart the Digital Archives Lab workstation and boot to the BitCurator hard drive. You can find instructions on how to do this here.
  • Ensure that the Digital Archives Lab workstation is not connected to the Internet by unplugging the ethernet cable.

Locate existing image files:

  1. Ensure that the Digital Archives hard drive dock is powered on.
  2. Ensure that the Digital Archives hard drive is mounted inside BitCurator. If necessary, double-click the New Volume icon in the toolbar on the left-hand side of the screen. Once the Digital Archives hard drive is mounted, a New Volume icon will appear on the Desktop.
  3. Double-click the New Volume icon on the Desktop and navigate to the [collection]_diskImages folder.
  4. Open a terminal window but right-clicking anywhere on the Desktop and selecting Open Terminal.

Run the script:

  1. Locate migration.bash on the desktop and double-click.
  2. The file should look like this:


cd /media/bcadmin/New\ Volume1/digitalArchives/diskImages/[collectionName]_diskImages/

for i in [MSSNumber]_{ID..ID}
	md5sum $i/$i.img >$i/imgMD5.txt
	ewfacquire ./$i/$i.img -C "$i" -D "3.5 inch floppy disk" -e “[netID]” 
	-E “[collection title]” -f "encase6" -m "removable" -M "logical" -N "Migration from img" 
	-c "deflate" -o 0 -S "1.4 GiB" -P 512 -g 64 -t ./$i/$i
	ewfverify $i/$i.E01 >$i/verify$i.txt
  1. Edit the information in brackets [ ] above to match your collection information. The ID numbers should equal the folder numbers you are wanting to migrate.

For example:


cd /media/bcadmin/New\ Volume1/digitalArchives/diskImages/Mackey_diskImages/

for i in 123_{01..06}
	md5sum $i/$i.img >$i/imgMD5.txt
	ewfacquire ./$i/$i.img -C "$i" -D "3.5 inch floppy disk" -e "bedwa24" 
	-E "Nathaniel Mackey papers" -f "encase6" -m "removable" -M "logical" 
	-N "Migration from img" -c "deflate" -o 0 -S "1.4 GiB" -P 512 -g 64 -t ./$i/$i
	ewfverify $i/$i.E01 >$i/verify$i.txt

This will run the MD5 checksum, the migration to E01 format, and verify the checksum for img folders/files 01 through 06 in one command.

  1. SAVE the file and close it.

    If you do not save the file, the script will not run correctly

  2. In the terminal, navigate to the Desktop using

    cd Desktop

  3. Type bash migration.bash
  4. Hold down enter until you are back to the original prompt ($).

Review MD5 checksum and verify checksum files

Using the MD5.bash file, the MD5 file and verify files created during the migration process can be compared against one another to make sure they are the same values.

NOTE: The .bash file and the Python file of the same name must be in the same directory. One does not work without the other.

  1. Open the MD5.bash file.
  2. Edit the file path to direct to the collection folder, similar to how you did above.
    • If you type an invalid file path and run the file, an error message will appear.
  3. SAVE the file.
  4. Open a terminal window but right-clicking anywhere on the Desktop and selecting Open Terminal.
  5. In the terminal, navigate to the Desktop using

    cd Desktop

  6. Type bash MD5.bash and hit enter
  7. The results of the scan will appear in the terminal window, either “Success!” or “Fail!” next to the folder number.
    • NOTE: This script will run on the entire folder as a whole, so if you’re doing a collection in stages, you’ll see previous results as well. It’s best to wait to run it all at once.

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