Packaging disk images and supplemental files using BagIt

Packaging disk images and supplemental files using BagIt

Before you begin:

  • This workflow uses tools stored in BitCurator. If necessary, restart the Digital Archives Lab workstation and boot to the BitCurator hard drive. You can find instructions on how to do this here.
  • Ensure that the Digital Archives Lab workstation is not connected to the Internet by unplugging the ethernet cable.

Create folders:

  1. Ensure that the Digital Archives hard drive dock is powered on.
  2. Ensure that the Digital Archives hard drive is mounted inside BitCurator. If necessary, double-click the New Volume icon in the toolbar on the left-hand side of the screen. Once the Digital Archives hard drive is mounted, a New Volume icon will appear on the Desktop.
  3. Double-click the New Volume icon on the Desktop and navigate to the Mackey_diskImages folder.
  4. Create a new folder inside the Mackey_diskImages folder. Name the folder using your netID or name.
  5. Move into the folder created at step 4.

NOTE: Before beginning the process of creating bags, each forensically packaged disk image (.E01) must be placed with any supplemental files inside a folder named using the MSSnumber_ID (e.g., 1297_01). There are two ways to create these folders:

To get to the correct directory, in the netID folder you just created, right click and select Open in Terminal

a. Type the following command to create all 20 folders at once and hit enter

mkdir 1297_{[ID]..[ID]}

For example

mkdir 1297_{150..170}
  1. Each folder needs to contain the following files: a. The forensically packaged disk image (.E01) b. The imgMD5.txt file created during migration from a .img file to a .E01 file c. The verify[MSSnumber_ID].txt file also created during migration from a .img file to a .E01 file (e.g., verify1297_24.txt) d. The fiwalk.xml file

Copy files:

  1. On the desktop, look for copy.bash and click on it to open.

The file should look like this:


cd /media/bcadmin/New\ Volume1/digitalArchives/diskImages/[collectionName]_diskImages/

for i in [MSSnumber]_{[ID]..[ID]}
	cp ./$i/*.E01 ./$i/*.txt ./$i/*.xml 
	./[new netID folder]/$i
  1. Edit the information in brackets [ ] above to match your collection information. The ID numbers should equal the folder numbers you are wanting to copy.

For example::

cd /media/bcadmin/New\ Volume1/digitalArchives/diskImages/test_diskImages/

for i in 123_{01..05}
	cp ./$i/*.E01 ./$i/*.xml ./$i/*.txt ./bedwa/$i
  1. In the terminal window, navigate to the desktop using

    cd Desktop

  2. Type in bash copy.bash and hit enter

Create and Validate a Bag:

  1. On the Desktop, locate the file bagger.bash and click to open it.

The file should look like this:


cd /media/bcadmin/New\ Volume1/digitalArchives/diskImages/[collectionName]_diskImages/[netID]

for i in [MSSnumber]_{[ID]..[ID]}
	do --md5 --sha1 --contact-name=[netID] ./$i --validate ./$i

For example::

cd /media/bcadmin/New\ Volume1/digitalArchives/diskImages/test_diskImages/bedwa

for i in 123_{01..05}
	do --md5 --sha1 --contact-name=bedwa24 ./$i --validate ./$i
  1. Edit the information located in the brackets [] to match your collection information. The ID numbers should equal the folder numbers you are wanting to bag.

  2. SAVE the file and close it. If you do not save the file, it will not run correctly.

  3. In the terminal window, navigate to the desktop using

    cd Desktop

  4. Type in bash bagger.bash and hit enter

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